Two nights ago, Eric and Tom rode back into State College. It was probably 10 o'clock at night when they got to Tom's house. They had woken up at 6 o'clock and rode for a long way to make it! The trip ended up taking 11 days overall and they rode 750 miles in all. It was such a fun time and they can't wait to do it again. Come see how the last part of their trip turned out!
When Eric and Tom got to Washington D.C., they decided to take a day to rest. On this day, they rode around the city. Here is Tom's bike with the Washington Monument in the background. They also met Sacha Buckland and his parents too! It was so fun to see them.
Nails make your tires go flat! This happened to Tom's bike when they were riding between Washington D.C. and Baltimore.
North of Baltimore, Eric and Tom couldn't find anywhere to camp and they didn't know anybody who would let them sleep at their house. They got a motel room. The people let Eric and Tom bring their bikes into the motel room with them.
To get from Maryland back to Pennsylvania, they rode a trail up to York, PA. There were railroad tracks next to them the whole time. Here is Eric riding.
Tom thought it was time for a new bike!
In eastern Harrisburg, Eric and Tom saw a Caribbean bakery. They had never been to one before so they decided to stop.
To make it back to State College, Eric and Tom had to ride on the sides of highways sometimes. It wasn't as nice as a trail and pretty noisy, but it was okay.
About two or three times each day, Eric and Tom had to stop and eat to give them energy. Here on the last day, Eric is drinking a quart of chocolate milk somewhere around Penns Creek, PA.
That's all for this trip! Eric and Tom hope you enjoyed seeing pictures from their trip. Now you should stop reading this, go outside, and have some fun!